Operating support for arts and cultural organizations in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties.

A partnership between The Kresge Foundation, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, and Hudson-Webber Foundation.

View the funding decisions and reporting process.


Applications for the 2025-2028 funding cycle will open on Thursday, May 1, 2025.

Other Project Dates
  • Kick-off Breakfast – Friday, May 2, 2025 10am-12pm (More information to be announced)
  • Application Closes – Monday, June 30, 2025 at 5pm


Detroit Arts Support represents an opportunity for the partner foundations—The Kresge Foundation, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, and Hudson-Webber Foundation—to learn alongside the cultural sector and to share those learnings broadly. To that end, grantees should annually submit a report via the Detroit Arts Support website.

Report Questionnaire Elements
Requested Information

Organizations will be asked to respond to six questions about their mission and programmatic activity. Requested attachments will include organizational budgets from the current, previous, and projected fiscal years; most recently completed audit or Form 990; a narrative about major budget decisions.

Report Submission Timeline

  • First Interim Report Due – 6/30/2023
  • Second Interim Report Due – 6/30/2024
  • Final Report Due – 9/30/2025
Step 1 | Application Submission

Eligible organizations should submit one application. Applications are due Monday, June 30th at 5:00pm EST.

Step 2 | Foundation Eligibility Review

Applications are shared with program staff of the Detroit Arts Support funding partners (The Kresge Foundation, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, and Hudson-Webber Foundation), who will each individually review applications for eligibility aligned with their foundation’s specific funding criteria.

Step 3: Financial Health Assessment

Susan Nelson of the nonprofit consulting group TDC performs a financial health assessment of applying organizations and shares findings with the DAS funding partners. TDC will also be available to review results with organizations on an individual basis (an amazing and valuable opportunity for all applicants to gain insights about their organization). Scheduling details will be announced following the application deadline: Monday, June 30th at 5:00pm EST.

Step 4: Decisions and Notification

Each DAS funding partner works with their internal staff and board to finalize their funding decisions. Individual grant sizes will range from $5,000 to $100,000 per year. All grants will be made in three-year commitments. Foundations will collaboratively announce these decisions in the fall of 2025. Applicants will be notified by email and CultureSource will post funding plans on this website.

Note: Not all organizations will be selected for funding by each funding partner, and selection is not merit based.


Detroit Arts Support provides multi-year operating support grants to arts organizations in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties.

DAS in supported by The Kresge Foundation, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, and Hudson-Webber Foundation.

The fund was launched by the Kresge Foundation in 2007, and the Erb Family and Hudson-Webber foundations joined in 2010 and 2018, respectively. The fund is administered by CultureSource, a coalition of more than 170 nonprofit arts organizations in Southeast Michigan

For over 10 years, the Detroit Arts Support (DAS) initiative has provided unrestricted operating funding to arts and cultural organizations in the metro Detroit region. The program aims to strengthen the sector broadly through consistent support for a diverse set of organizations that contribute to the quality of life in metropolitan Detroit, and provide opportunities for creative expression to people of all backgrounds. 

General operating support is not tied to a specific initiative, allowing nonprofits to use these grants to support their day-to-day work, and lessen the impact of unexpected costs such as canceled gigs or shifting funding priorities. This type of support for an organization’s core work helps them to sustain and grow their business over an extended period of time. 

The three participating foundations share a single application and review process before making their independent decisions. This partnership streamlines the application process for nonprofit arts organizations, while offering shared learning opportunities and improving systems for data collection and analysis necessary for the participating foundations to make funding decisions. 


2022 Cycle

For the 2022 cycle of the Detroit Arts Support program, 91 applications for general operating funding were submitted.

After a series of focus group dialogues about applications with community leaders, and explorations of applicant organizations’ financial health by TDC, the funding partners of Detroit Arts Support Art began making funding decisions. Each partner foundation made funding decisions based on their foundation’s individual eligibility criteria. 

In late-2023, DAS expects to release a comprehensive report on the initiative, reflecting on the great work of grantees and the impacts of multi-year general operating funding.

Curious about eligibility for the 2022-2025 cycle? Learn more.

The Detroit Arts Support partners are proud to announce the full list of 80 funded organizations. You can also view each foundation’s individual funding decisions.

Please note: Throughout the DAS cycle, organizations will be pushed notifications via email from the address grants@culturesource.org.



For questions regarding the application, please email grants@culturesource.org.

For additional questions about funding geographies and priorities, please explore the funding partner’s details and contact information below.

Note: CultureSource serves as the administrator for DAS. CultureSource does not make funding recommendations or funding decisions.

The Kresge Foundation

Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation

Hudson-Webber Foundation

Be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service or operate under a public college/university or government entity.
Not be classified as private foundations under Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Be headquartered and incorporated in the State of Michigan, located in and serving Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties. Please note that some participating foundations may have narrower geographic restrictions (more detail below).
Have a mission primarily dedicated to arts, culture and creativity. Organizations that are a subsidiary or division of a larger 501(c)(3) organization must demonstrate an independent identity and governance structure. (Please see FAQ for additional attachments required for subsidiaries.)
Have a record of presenting programs for at least two years.
Employ the equivalent of at least one full-time person (please see the FAQ for how to calculate the full-time employment for your organization).
Have a current (no older than FY 2019) financial audit conducted by an independent certified public accountant. Organizations with annual budgets of less than $250,000 may provide a qualified review or IRS Form 990.
Have revenues of at least $100,000 from their most recently completed fiscal year.
Step 1 | Application Submission
Eligible organizations should submit one application. Applications are due Thursday, July 28th at 5:00pm EST.

Step 2 | Foundation Eligibility Review

Applications are shared with program staff of the Detroit Arts Support funding partners (The Kresge Foundation, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, and Hudson-Webber Foundation), who will each individually review applications for eligibility aligned with their foundation’s specific funding criteria.

Step 3 | Focus Groups

Four groups of community members (“focus groups”) each receive 20-25 applications to read. Focus group participants are connected to the regional arts and culture sector as supporters, advocates, or practitioners.  Focus group participants will not score applications or provide funding recommendations—again, each foundation will have their own process for reviewing applications against their own funding priorities. Instead, focus groups will surface characteristics and qualities they notice about applying organizations, highlighting points of perceived strength, fascination, and curiosity. The focus group dialogue is meant to provide helpful insights about the state of cultural organizations and reflect a useful range of perceptions about organizations as they present themselves in application materials. Applicants will be able to listen to the focus group discussion of their application. Scheduling details will be announced following the application deadline: Thursday, July 28th at 5:00pm EST. Apart from focus group participants and DAS funding partners, your application information will be kept confidential. Focus Group Participants:
  • Louis Aguilar
  • Racheal Allen
  • Rachel Bendit
  • Annmarie Borucki
  • Sandy Burnley
  • Cézanne Charles
  • Mark Clague
  • Shamyle Maya Dobbs
  • Khalilah Burt Gaston
  • Mia Khim
  • Dustin McClellan
  • Peter Robinson
  • Buzz Thomas

Step 4: Financial Health Assessment

Susan Nelson of the nonprofit consulting group TDC performs a financial health assessment of applying organizations and shares findings with the DAS funding partners. TDC will also be available to review results with organizations on an individual basis (an amazing and valuable opportunity for all applicants to gain insights about their organization). Scheduling details will be announced following the application deadline: Thursday, July 28th at 5:00pm EST.

Step 5: Decisions and Notification

Each DAS funding partner works with their internal staff and board to finalize their funding decisions. Individual grant sizes will range from $5,000 to $100,000 per year. All grants will be made in three-year commitments. Foundations will collaboratively announce these decisions in the fall of 2022. Applicants will be notified by email and CultureSource will post funding plans on this website.

Note: Not all organizations will be selected for funding by each funding partner, and selection is not merit based.

Get Started Here

Applications Due By Thursday, July 28th at 5:00pm EST

Please watch the recording of the Detroit Arts Support Info Session below


CultureSource is helping DAS partners administer this initiative. CultureSource is not making funding recommendations or making funding decisions.

For questions regarding the application, please email grants@culturesource.org.
For additional questions about funding geographies and priorities, please explore the funding partner’s details and contact information below.

The Kresge Foundation

Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation

Hudson-Webber Foundation


Program Officer: Wendy Jackson, wljackson@kresge.org

The Kresge Foundation will review eligible applications from organizations in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties. Foundation decisions will be based on application materials and informed by the community focus groups and financial analysis. 

As part of the 2022-2025 Detroit Arts Support program, Kresge will place special emphasis on diversity and equity. While applications are not expected to excel on all points below, a competitive application will clearly present the organization’s commitments to the following

  • Advancing opportunities for creative expression among low-income individuals and people of color.
  • Broadening participation and access to arts and culture in the community, including the promotion of cross-cultural understanding and diversity through programming.
  • Exemplifying a commitment to organizational diversity among its board and staff leadership reflective of the community and population served.

 Additionally, strong applications will show the following about organizations:

  • Contribution to the cultural identity and economic vitality of Metro Detroit.
  • Evidence of high-quality artistic achievement and strength of programming.
  • Commitment to youth development, including arts and culture education.
  • Support for local artists and creators of cultural products, including training programs, opportunities for display or sale of works of art, and hiring artists and creative professionals to develop or present programs.
  • Participation in effective partnerships and collaborations with other cultural or non-cultural organizations to advance broader community development efforts.
  • Evidence that the operating support will help the organization achieve long-term goals.


Program Officer: Tara Tuomaala, ttuomaala@erbff.org

The Erb Family Foundation will review applications from qualifying organizations in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties and legacy organizations that have historical significance to the Erb family. Grant amounts for organizations selected for funding will be determined by the funding formula below:

2021 Revenues
Additional Considerations
Grant Amount
$100K – $499K
$500K – $2.9M
Family legacy organization
$3M +
Family legacy organization


Program Officer: Michael Shaw, mshaw@hudson-webber.org

The Hudson-Webber Foundation only funds activities based in Detroit, or otherwise have a significant benefit to the Detroit community.

 The foundation only funds arts and culture grants that meet one, or more, of the following objectives:

  • Increase the capacity of the arts sector to deliver quality, accessible, and engaging cultural programming;
  • Increase the diversity of voices reflected in the arts and culture sector of Detroit; and
  • Increase the positive contributions of the arts and culture sector to the health and vitality of our communities.

With the exception of the foundation’s Hudsonians program for retirees of the Hudson’s department store, the Foundation does not make grants to individuals.